
Cluster Registration

Overview of cluster mode

Karmada supports both Push and Pull modes to manage the member clusters. The main difference between Push and Pull modes is the way access to member clusters when deploying manifests.

Push mode

Karmada control plane will access member cluster's kube-apiserver directly to get cluster status and deploy manifests.

Pull mode

Karmada control plane will not access member cluster but delegate it to an extra component named karmada-agent.

Each karmada-agent serves a cluster and take responsibility for:

  • Register cluster to Karmada(creates the Cluster object)
  • Maintains cluster status and reports to Karmada(updates the status of Cluster object)
  • Watch manifests from Karmada execution space(namespace, karmada-es-<cluster name>) and deploy the watched resources to the cluster the agent serves.

Register cluster with 'Push' mode

You can use the kubectl-karmada CLI to join(register) and unjoin(unregister) clusters.

Register cluster by CLI

Join cluster with name member1 to Karmada by using the following command.

kubectl karmada join member1 --kubeconfig=<karmada kubeconfig> --cluster-kubeconfig=<member1 kubeconfig>

Repeat this step to join any additional clusters.

The --kubeconfig specifies the Karmada's kubeconfig file and the CLI infers karmada-apiserver context from the current-context field of the kubeconfig. If there are more than one context is configured in the kubeconfig file, it is recommended to specify the context by the --karmada-context flag. For example:

kubectl karmada join member1 --kubeconfig=<karmada kubeconfig> --karmada-context=karmada --cluster-kubeconfig=<member1 kubeconfig>

The --cluster-kubeconfig specifies the member cluster's kubeconfig and the CLI infers the member cluster's context by the cluster name. If there is more than one context is configured in the kubeconfig file, or you don't want to use the context name to register, it is recommended to specify the context by the --cluster-context flag. For example:

kubectl karmada join member1 --kubeconfig=<karmada kubeconfig> --karmada-context=karmada \
--cluster-kubeconfig=<member1 kubeconfig> --cluster-context=member1

Note: The registering cluster name can be different from the context with --cluster-context specified.

Check cluster status

Check the status of the joined clusters by using the following command.

$ kubectl get clusters

member1 v1.20.7 Push True 66s

Unregister cluster by CLI

You can unjoin clusters by using the following command.

kubectl karmada unjoin member1 --kubeconfig=<karmada kubeconfig> --cluster-kubeconfig=<member1 kubeconfig>

During unjoin process, the resources propagated to member1 by Karmada will be cleaned up. And the --cluster-kubeconfig is used to clean up the secret created at the join phase.

Repeat this step to unjoin any additional clusters.

Register cluster with 'Pull' mode

Register cluster by CLI

karmadactl register is used to register member clusters to the Karmada control plane with PULL mode. Be different from the karmadactl join which registers a cluster with Push mode, karmadactl register registers a cluster to Karmada control plane with Pull mode.

Note: currently it only supports the Karmada control plane that was installed by karmadactl init.

Create bootstrap token in Karmada control plane

In Karmada control plane, we can use karmadactl token create command to create bootstrap tokens whose default ttl is 24h.

karmadactl token create --print-register-command --kubeconfig /etc/karmada/karmada-apiserver.config
# The example output is shown below
karmadactl register 10.10.x.x:32443 --token t2jgtm.9nybj0526mjw1jbf --discovery-token-ca-cert-hash sha256:f5a5a43869bb44577dba582e794c3e3750f2050d62f1b1dc80fd3d6a371b6ed4

More details about bootstrap token please refer to:

Execute karmadactl register in the member clusters

In the Kubernetes control plane of member clusters, we also need the kubeconfig file of the member cluster, then directly execute the above output karmadactl register command.

karmadactl register 10.10.x.x:32443 --token t2jgtm.9nybj0526mjw1jbf --discovery-token-ca-cert-hash sha256:f5a5a43869bb44577dba582e794c3e3750f2050d62f1b1dc80fd3d6a371b6ed4
# The example output is shown below
[preflight] Running pre-flight checks
[prefligt] All pre-flight checks were passed
[karmada-agent-start] Waiting to perform the TLS Bootstrap
[karmada-agent-start] Waiting to construct karmada-agent kubeconfig
[karmada-agent-start] Waiting the necessary secret and RBAC
[karmada-agent-start] Waiting karmada-agent Deployment
W0825 11:03:12.167027 29336 check.go:52] pod: karmada-agent-5d659b4746-wn754 not ready. status: ContainerCreating
I0825 11:04:06.174110 29336 check.go:49] pod: karmada-agent-5d659b4746-wn754 is ready. status: Running

cluster(member3) is joined successfully

Note: if you don't set --cluster-name option, it will use the cluster of current-context of the kubeconfig file by default.

After karmada-agent be deployed, it will register cluster automatically at the start-up phase.

Check cluster status

Check the status of the registered clusters by using the same command above.

$ kubectl get clusters
member3 v1.20.7 Pull True 66s

Unregister cluster

Undeploy the karmada-agent and then remove the cluster manually from Karmada.

kubectl delete cluster member3

Cluster Identifier

Each cluster registered in Karmada will be represented as a Cluster object whose name(.metadata.name) is the registered name. The name will be widely used in the propagating process, such as specifying the location to which a resource should be propagated in a PropagationPolicy.

In addition, during the registration, each cluster will be assigned a unique identifier marked in the .spec.id of the Cluster object. For now, this unique identifier is used to distinguish each cluster technically to avoid registering the same cluster multiple times with different registered names. The unique identifier is collected from the registered cluster's kube-system ID(.metadata.uid).