


The karmada-agent is the agent of member clusters. It can register a specific cluster to the Karmada control plane and sync manifests from the Karmada control plane to the member cluster. In addition, it also syncs the status of member cluster and manifests to the Karmada control plane.

karmada-agent [flags]


      --add_dir_header                                 If true, adds the file directory to the header of the log messages
--alsologtostderr log to standard error as well as files (no effect when -logtostderr=true)
--cert-rotation-checking-interval duration The interval of checking if the certificate need to be rotated. This is only applicable if cert rotation is enabled (default 5m0s)
--cert-rotation-remaining-time-threshold float The threshold of remaining time of the valid certificate. This is only applicable if cert rotation is enabled. (default 0.2)
--cluster-api-burst int Burst to use while talking with cluster kube-apiserver. (default 60)
--cluster-api-endpoint string APIEndpoint of the cluster.
--cluster-api-qps float32 QPS to use while talking with cluster kube-apiserver. (default 40)
--cluster-cache-sync-timeout duration Timeout period waiting for cluster cache to sync. (default 2m0s)
--cluster-failure-threshold duration The duration of failure for the cluster to be considered unhealthy. (default 30s)
--cluster-lease-duration duration Specifies the expiration period of a cluster lease. (default 40s)
--cluster-lease-renew-interval-fraction float Specifies the cluster lease renew interval fraction. (default 0.25)
--cluster-name string Name of member cluster that the agent serves for.
--cluster-namespace string Namespace in the control plane where member cluster secrets are stored. (default "karmada-cluster")
--cluster-provider string Provider of the joining cluster. The Karmada scheduler can use this information to spread workloads across providers for higher availability.
--cluster-region string The region of the joining cluster. The Karmada scheduler can use this information to spread workloads across regions for higher availability.
--cluster-status-update-frequency duration Specifies how often karmada-agent posts cluster status to karmada-apiserver. Note: be cautious when changing the constant, it must work with ClusterMonitorGracePeriod in karmada-controller-manager. (default 10s)
--cluster-success-threshold duration The duration of successes for the cluster to be considered healthy after recovery. (default 30s)
--cluster-zones strings The zones of the joining cluster. The Karmada scheduler can use this information to spread workloads across zones for higher availability.
--concurrent-cluster-syncs int The number of Clusters that are allowed to sync concurrently. (default 5)
--concurrent-work-syncs int The number of Works that are allowed to sync concurrently. (default 5)
--controllers strings A list of controllers to enable. '*' enables all on-by-default controllers, 'foo' enables the controller named 'foo', '-foo' disables the controller named 'foo'. All controllers: certRotation, clusterStatus, endpointsliceCollect, execution, serviceExport, workStatus. (default [*])
--enable-cluster-resource-modeling Enable means controller would build resource modeling for each cluster by syncing Nodes and Pods resources.
The resource modeling might be used by the scheduler to make scheduling decisions in scenario of dynamic replica assignment based on cluster free resources.
Disable if it does not fit your cases for better performance. (default true)
--enable-pprof Enable profiling via web interface host:port/debug/pprof/.
--feature-gates mapStringBool A set of key=value pairs that describe feature gates for alpha/experimental features. Options are:
AllAlpha=true|false (ALPHA - default=false)
AllBeta=true|false (BETA - default=false)
CustomizedClusterResourceModeling=true|false (BETA - default=true)
Failover=true|false (BETA - default=true)
GracefulEviction=true|false (BETA - default=true)
MultiClusterService=true|false (ALPHA - default=false)
PropagateDeps=true|false (BETA - default=true)
PropagationPolicyPreemption=true|false (ALPHA - default=false)
ResourceQuotaEstimate=true|false (ALPHA - default=false)
--health-probe-bind-address string The TCP address that the controller should bind to for serving health probes(e.g., :10357). It can be set to "0" to disable serving the health probe. Defaults to
-h, --help help for karmada-agent
--karmada-context string Name of the cluster context in karmada control plane kubeconfig file.
--karmada-kubeconfig string Path to karmada control plane kubeconfig file.
--karmada-kubeconfig-namespace string Namespace of the secret containing karmada-agent certificate. This is only applicable if cert rotation is enabled. (default "karmada-system")
--kube-api-burst int Burst to use while talking with karmada-apiserver. (default 60)
--kube-api-qps float32 QPS to use while talking with karmada-apiserver. (default 40)
--kubeconfig string Paths to a kubeconfig. Only required if out-of-cluster.
--leader-elect Start a leader election client and gain leadership before executing the main loop. Enable this when running replicated components for high availability. (default true)
--leader-elect-lease-duration duration The duration that non-leader candidates will wait after observing a leadership renewal until attempting to acquire leadership of a led but unrenewed leader slot. This is effectively the maximum duration that a leader can be stopped before it is replaced by another candidate. This is only applicable if leader election is enabled. (default 15s)
--leader-elect-renew-deadline duration The interval between attempts by the acting master to renew a leadership slot before it stops leading. This must be less than or equal to the lease duration. This is only applicable if leader election is enabled. (default 10s)
--leader-elect-resource-namespace string The namespace of resource object that is used for locking during leader election. (default "karmada-system")
--leader-elect-retry-period duration The duration the clients should wait between attempting acquisition and renewal of a leadership. This is only applicable if leader election is enabled. (default 2s)
--log_backtrace_at traceLocation when logging hits line file:N, emit a stack trace (default :0)
--log_dir string If non-empty, write log files in this directory (no effect when -logtostderr=true)
--log_file string If non-empty, use this log file (no effect when -logtostderr=true)
--log_file_max_size uint Defines the maximum size a log file can grow to (no effect when -logtostderr=true). Unit is megabytes. If the value is 0, the maximum file size is unlimited. (default 1800)
--logtostderr log to standard error instead of files (default true)
--metrics-bind-address string The TCP address that the controller should bind to for serving prometheus metrics(e.g., :8080). It can be set to "0" to disable the metrics serving. (default ":8080")
--one_output If true, only write logs to their native severity level (vs also writing to each lower severity level; no effect when -logtostderr=true)
--profiling-bind-address string The TCP address for serving profiling(e.g., :6060). This is only applicable if profiling is enabled. (default ":6060")
--proxy-server-address string Address of the proxy server that is used to proxy to the cluster.
--rate-limiter-base-delay duration The base delay for rate limiter. (default 5ms)
--rate-limiter-bucket-size int The bucket size for rate limier. (default 100)
--rate-limiter-max-delay duration The max delay for rate limiter. (default 16m40s)
--rate-limiter-qps int The QPS for rate limier. (default 10)
--report-secrets strings The secrets that are allowed to be reported to the Karmada control plane during registering. Valid values are 'KubeCredentials', 'KubeImpersonator' and 'None'. e.g 'KubeCredentials,KubeImpersonator' or 'None'. (default [KubeCredentials,KubeImpersonator])
--resync-period duration Base frequency the informers are resynced.
--skip_headers If true, avoid header prefixes in the log messages
--skip_log_headers If true, avoid headers when opening log files (no effect when -logtostderr=true)
--stderrthreshold severity logs at or above this threshold go to stderr when writing to files and stderr (no effect when -logtostderr=true or -alsologtostderr=true) (default 2)
-v, --v Level number for the log level verbosity
--vmodule moduleSpec comma-separated list of pattern=N settings for file-filtered logging
Auto generated by spf13/cobra script in Karmada