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RBAC Permissions for Karmada Components


API GroupResourceVerbsDescription
coordination.k8s.ioleasesget, create, updateRequired for leader election.
operator.karmada.iokarmadasget, list, watch, updateTo manage Karmada instances.
operator.karmada.iokarmadas/statusupdateTo update the status subresource of Karmada instances.
"" (core)eventscreateAllows karmada-operator to record events in the Kubernetes API server.
"" (core)nodes, podslistList cluster nodes and pods to get node information and for health checks.
"" (core)namespacesgetTo get information about namespaces, and deploy resources into specific namespaces.
"" (core)secrets, servicesget, create, update, deleteTo manage secrets which might contain sensitive data like credentials and services to expose applications within the cluster.
appsstatefulsets, deploymentsget, create, update, deleteTo manage StatefulSets, e.g., etcd, and Deployments, e.g., karmada-operator.
Non-Resource URLsVerbsDescription
/healthzgetUsed to check whether the Karmada API server is healthy.


API GroupResourceVerbsDescription
cluster.karmada.ioclusterslist, watchTo manage and monitor clusters.
cluster.karmada.ioclustersget, create, deleteresourceNames: {{clustername}}
cluster.karmada.ioclusters/statusupdateresourceNames: {{clustername}}
config.karmada.ioresourceinterpreterwebhookconfigurations, resourceinterpretercustomizationsget, list, watchTo list and watch resource interpreter configurations.
"" (core)namespacesgetTo get information about namespaces.
coordination.k8s.ioleasesget, create, updateRequired for leader election.
certificates.k8s.iocertificatesigningrequestsget, createTo get and create CSR.
"" (core)eventscreate, patch, updateAllows karmada-agent to record events in the Karmada API server.
"" (core)secretsget, create, patchTo manage secrets which might contain sensitive data like credentials.
work.karmada.ioworksget, list, watch, create, update, deleteTo manage work resources.
work.karmada.ioworks/statuspatch, updateTo update the status of work resources.