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Version: v1.12

v1.10 to v1.11

Follow the Regular Upgrading Process.

Upgrading Notable Changes

API Changes

  • Introduced Suspension to the PropagationPolicy/ClusterPropagationPolicy API to provide a cluster-level resource propagation pause and resume capabilities.
  • Introduced Dispatching condition to the Work API to represent the dispatching status.
  • ResourceInterpreterCustomization: Added two additional printer columns, TARGET-API-VERSION and TARGET-KIND, to represent the target resource type, these columns will be displayed in the output of kubectl get.
  • PropagationPolicy/ClusterPropagationPolicy: Added two additional printer columns, Conflict-Resolution and Priority, to represent the conflict resolution strategy and priority, these columns will be displayed in the output of kubectl get.
  • Introduced CRDTarball to the Karmada API to supports custom CRD download strategy.


  • The following labels that were deprecated(replaced by and at release-1.10 now have been removed:
  • Specification of merics and health probe port parameters. Karmada introduced the --metrics-bind-address and --health-probe-bind-address flags and deprecated the following labels. This is a compatible change as the default values remain unchanged from previous versions.
    • The flags deprecated by karmada-agent are: --bind-address --secure-port
    • The flags deprecated by karmada-controller-manager are: --bind-address --secure-port
    • The flags deprecated by karmada-descheduler are: --bind-address --secure-port
    • The flags deprecated by karmada-scheduler are: --bind-address --secure-port
    • The flags deprecated by karmada-scheduler-estimator are: --bind-address --secure-port